The anarchic tale of the tree who auditions for Miss Sherwood Forest. Ann Hill has written a script with feminist themes, brought to life through the illustrations of Nottingham based Artist and Animator, Sophie Johnson-Hill.

Ann Hill - Writer

I was born before the Second World War. We had bananas apparently - I can't remember that. I can't remember being frightened in the War - we had a drill for when the sirens went - downstairs, dressing gown on, pick up jar of boiled sweets, lights off and into the shelter in the garden.

I remember VE day in the Market Square in Nottingham. A band playing, my dad and I dancing with an ecstatic crowd. I hardly recognised my dad, dancing like a maniac.

Scholarship girl - I was lucky to get a place but it turned out I looked brighter than I actually was. I've made up for it since.

I was a late developer - unsuccessful at teacher training after school, lots of jobs (you could move about more frequently then).

Marriage, children, plunged into nursing in my 40's and then took early retirement to go to university as a 'mature' student. I was the oldest in my cohort. 

Drugs - yes! Twice, but once I was very sick!!! All history now. Children, grandchildren, great grandchildren.

Wonderful friends in Mansfield - couldn't live anywhere else.

I like a drink - yes! A slug of brandy in my morning coffee and a glass (smallish) of wine in the evening or maybe a whisky and ginger ale - nothing major. And I have no intention of giving it up, or my Snickers with my elevenses - life's too short for this fat free crap, non-alcoholic beer (an oxymoron surely?).

Writing is a joy - I keep a daily diary - very frank. They have to be destroyed at the end of the year - they can be libellous!

I'm 86 - on the outside, but inside I'm a 15 year old boy - sex, drugs and rock and roll - they can't stop you thinking, can they. There's nothing like a spot of adultery. Those were the days - lived dangerously! Now it's just disgracefully.

Sophie Johnson-Hill - Associate Artist and Illustrator

Sophie has created her own animation brand, SoJo Animation, and under this name creates animation mostly inspired by the thoughts of children, although her work is bound by no rules and occasionally takes a spontaneous plunge into other areas.

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