This page is dedicated to the talented artists who have participated in our emerging artist development programmes and the theatre companies we have supported over the years.

New Associates


Callum Berridge, Sophie Bloor, Matthew Gray, Samson Hawkins, Simon Marshall, Leanne Moden, Naomi Obeng, Elizabeth Twells, Sharon White


Grace Cordell, Ravellé-Sade Fairman, Ryan Leder, Gloria Lowe, Hazel Monaghan, Kieran Spiers, Christina Tsoutsi, Scarlet Turner, Louise White

Theatre Companies We've Supported

Across the East Midlands there is an impressive community of emerging artists and companies. To support their development, in recent years we have offered targeted support and a block of rehearsal/workshop space to East Midlands Based companies and artists, including:

2015-17 - Unanima Theatre

We were privileged to work with the Mansfield-based integrated company of adults with and without learning disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Down Syndrome. The company creates innovative and autobiographical community theatre performances via a professionally led devising process. We unlocked support from the RTYDS to run and 'Introduction to Directing' workshop series and provided advice on the successful submissions of ACE Grants For The Arts funding applications.

2014-15 - 2Magpies Theatre

Our mentored company for 2014 is Nottingham-based 2Magpies Theatre. Founders Tom Barnes and Matt Wilks create new and exciting devised live performance in unique, sit responsive locations in Nottingham and beyond. Key features of their work include redefining public spaces as performance venues and collaborating with a range of diverse talents. Combining the unique atmosphere of each specific performance venue with their devised shows, 2Magpies Theatre have so far explored the nuances of the dining experience in Serenade, and the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko in The Litvinenko Project.

2013-14 - The Impulse Collective

Based in Daventry in Northamptonshire, the Impulse Collective are an emerging professional theatre company challenging the modern boundaries of theatre to create new and exciting work. Creating fast-paced theatre, the collective use large amounts of verbatim, comedy, autobiography and projection, often in experimental ways with exciting physical theatre. As well as National Touring, Impulse Collective are also dedicated to talent development within young people and vulnerable people.

2012-13 - The Gramophones

The Gramophones are a theatre company based in Nottingham who specialise in witty, interactive theatre with a twinkle in its eye. They are an all-female company who came together in 2009 through the chance discovery of notes in cafés, reading 'Looking for quirky performers for a theatre project'; these were placed there by Hannah Stone, Artistic Director, to bring a group of like-minded theatre makers together. The Gramophones' work is informed by clowning techniques and as a result is playful fun and engaging. They place their audiences at the centre of their performances and regard them not only as voyeurs but as players in their work. All members of The Gramophones have a wealth of experience working within theatre as both performers and practitioners.

Long Play

New Perspectives introduced the Long Play Competition in 2013 and over 3 years attracted over 60 entries from writers across the East Midlands. This has now closed and superseded by Open Pitch. 

The winning scripts over this period were:

2015-16 Winning play: Outbid by Katie Redford

2014-15 Winning play: Vampire in Bradford by Azma Dar

2013-14 Winning play: Unforgettable by Tim Elgood

Runners up: Blue Moon by Mufaro Makubika and The Man Upstairs by Ollie Smith

Emerging Perspectives


Ryan Chadwick, Suzanne Reynolds, Olwen Davies, Mark Elmore, Susana Fernandez, Jo Ferenczi, Mira Ho, Holly Jackson, Jess Thomas Owens, Ed Roberts, Laura Ryder, Kieran Spiers


Tony Fisher, Alice Gee, Kamal Joory, Becky Statham, Lytisha Tunbridge


Ryan Gilmartin, Kyle Futers, Simon Butler, Alisia Hargreaves, Chloe Culpin, Madeleine Jogela, Hope Ward-Brown


Callan Durant, Mia Johnson, Louise White, Natalie Smallwood, Charlotte Bond, John Tissiman, Lewis Fernandez, Rob Turnock, Rob Wileman, Emily Holyoake, Kelly Punton


Charlotte Tomlinson, Chris Walters, Deborah Carlin, Dickie Garton, Eleanor Parker, Ellen Hutchinson, Emma Pegg, Jennifer Ellis, Laura Burrows, Lauren Dowell, Monika Johnson, Rick Briggs, Sam Warren, Theresa Keogh


Alexandra Bradley, Becci Hooper, Beth Shouler, Bethany Wells, Cathy Grindrod, Gareth Morgan, Georgie Elsom, Hugh Dichmont, Jane Upton, Jenny Crowder, Lesley Emery, Matthew Heseltine, Monika Johnson, Natalie Ellis, Ollie Smith, Selina Scott-Benin, Subika Anwar