By leaving a gift in your will you can help us to reach thousands of people living in rural locations, who will access our productions for years to come. And making a charitable bequest is not something that only wealthy people can do. Remembering New Perspectives with a gift in your will helps New Perspectives to plan for the future with confidence. If our work has inspired and entertained you over the years, leaving a charitable bequest in your will is one way for you to support what we do and ensure that New Perspectives continues to thrive in the future.

Leaving a legacy is something that absolutely anyone can do. Your most personal and lasting gift can be of any size; every donation helps and no amount is too small.

Extra help with creating a will
The links below give further guidance:
• Guidelines from the government here 
• Guidelines from the Law Society here 
We strongly advise that you seek guidance from a solicitor or qualified professional.

To find out more about how to leave a legacy to New Perspectives, or if you would like to let us know that you have added us to your will, please contact Sally Anne Tye on 0115 973 9121 or [email protected].


Thank you

Banner image: Finding Nana (2018) © Pamela Raith Photography